So, a couple of months ago, I was going down my Instagram feed, when I came across one of my followers/followees’ snippets of an Ipsy bag review. Let me break it down:
Ipsy is a personalized monthly makeup and beauty sample subscription. Every month, you get 4 – 5 (sample or regular sized, depending on product) beauty products tailored to you in a collectible bag. Yes, each month, you get a collectible bag. Once you get the bag, there are YouTube tutorials on achieving that look. You also get a chance to save up to 70% through members-only offers and win free products in contests and giveaways.
And the best part? It’s ONLY $10/month with FREE shipping! How cool is that? When I first heard of it, I thought to myself, “I’m not even that into makeup.” I usually pat a little foundation or tinting cream on my face, brush my lashes with mascara, and choose one of my favorite MAC lipsticks. I’m all about a natural look, and though I don’t know everything there is to know about makeup, I don’t mind being taught a thing or two.
Ipsy was created by beauty expert Michelle Phan and her team who selected their fave products for you to try. At the beginning of Ipsy registration, you take a quiz to get a better feel of your makeup style. Whether you’re a beginner or makeup adventurer, there’s a product for you!
So, now that the intro is over, let’s get down to business. I received my first Ipsy bag in June. Okay, don’t kill me. I know we’re waaay in July, but with all that last month brought (gearing up for Essence Fest), I couldn’t find the time to actually sit down and orchestrate this post. Even though my July Ipsy bag is on its way (you’re emailed arrival date + tracking #), I’m still better late than never. So, here’s what I got:

I haven’t had a need to use these babies, yet. But I’m keeping them close for one of those teary, chick-flick nights.

I’m all about, well used to be all about a metallic gold eye. These natural look days, I haven’t shadowed my eyelids in years. With an unfoundationed face I tried this pencil, it didn’t work. I’ll give an update when I seriously apply to a foundationed face.

Yes, yes, YES! I love a good brow pencil! Ladies, you know we have to keep our brows on fleek (don’t judge me for saying that, it just flowed.) and this pencil is perfect! There’s a retractable brow pencil on one end, and a spooley brush on the other end — to give your brow a finished, natural look. If you look closely, you’ll see that the color of the pencil probably isn’t the same color as your brow. The color of the pencil really is universal. No matter the shade of your brow, the color matches perfectly when you press harder. I didn’t believe it until I put it on! I fell in love at first draw-on.

Another favorite. I have combination to oily skin, so the last thing I need is to patting every 30 minutes so I won’t shine. It’s oil-free and goes on silky smooth, literally. It’s lightweight, leaves no residue, and keeps your face shine-free throughout the day, and night. Love this!

I am such a polish gal and this one looks super cute! Like, it is such a pet peeve to leave the house unpolished. Unfortunately, I haven’t had the chance to rock this. Once this white nail is up, the red is on! Stay tuned.
I loved my first Ipsy bag. I already got a sneak peek of what’s to come in my July bag and I can’t wait to actually open it and share it with you guys — on time, this time! 😉